Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why I became a Scentsy Consultant

I'm 19 years old and I'm currently a college student but I am in an unusual position and paying for college has been a constant struggle for me. I don't have the best relationship with my parents and they refuse to help me with my tuition but because of my age I have to put their financial information down when I apply for financial aid and they make too much money for me to qualify for any of the need based scholarships, other scholarships are few and far between, and I'm trying very hard not to take out a loan. I have a "real" job but most of that money goes toward bills and other life necessities so I decided that I would become a Scentsy Consultant. As a Scentsy Consultant I can make my own schedule which means I can still work my other job and go to school but I can sell Scentsy in my spare time and save up the money I need to pay for my education. With Scentsy you won't make money over night but if you work at it and continue to work at it you can build a great business. I've only been a consultant for a month so I'm still working on getting into the groove of everything but I know I've made a good choice and I know that Scentsy will help me earn the money I need to pay for college.

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